Visualization (stnmf.plot)

Collection of functions for visualization of STNMF results. The function all combines all plotting sub-routines for obtaining a figure with all relevant information at one glance.

all(s, m, s_outl, m_outl[, w, autocorr, ...])

Create figure combining the modules, their outlines, the spike-triggered average (STA), and - optionally - the weights and autocorrelation values

modules(m[, colors, axs])

Plot the modules in a grid figure

outlines(subunits[, sta, colors, numbered, ...])

Plot the outlines of the modules

sta(s[, ax])

Plot the spike-triggered average (STA)

weights(w, m[, colors, ax, yticks])

Plot the average weights of the modules

autocorrelation(m[, colors, ax])

Plot the spatial autocorrelation of the modules

scalebar(ax, factor[, extent, unit])

Wrapper function for adding a scale bar to an axes

getcolors(colors, num[, key])

Turn an arbitrary description of colors into a cycler